On July 10th 2024, the 2nd SAREP Conference took place at the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld. The SAREP-Team welcomed more than 100 guests from industry and academia who presented about different technical and economic aspects of the project. A special focus was put on agriculture and forestry in hyper arid regions and project financing options.
Highlights of this conference were the speeches of Taghiya Abeiderahmane, a representative of the interministerial steering committee on SAREP, who shared the perspective of the Mauritanian government on the project, as well as of Prof. Dr. Hermann Lotze-Campen, Head of Research Department “Climate Resilience” at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, who emphasized the role of land-based carbon removal projects like SAREP in global climate change mitigation efforts. Furthermore, Dr. Hany El Kateb, the scientific advisor of the president of Egypt in Agriculture shared his vast experience in conducting afforestation measures in hyper arid areas.
Find more information on the conference results and the presentation slides here.